6709 Green Haven Rd Lanham MD 20706

Say Hello!

Greetings and welcome to the Arrive Alive Initiative!

Our non-profit organization facilitates driver education for people of all ages and promotes a culture of safe driving to reduce road traffic injuries and fatalities. We invite you to join us in our mission to make roads safer and save lives.

How We Help

We create programs and events that promote safety
Awareness Campaign

We strive to improve the safety of lives of road users with our regular awareness campaign.

Safety Workshops

We promote the significance of road safety, educate participants about common causes of accidents.

Providing Aid

We provide financial help to students who desire drivers education but can not afford to pay.


We love going to this initiative because of the programs, workshops and the great team of instructors. Thank you!”

Sam Jefferson

Sam Jefferson

It was nice to finally find the professional staff that know how to work with our kids and how to handle issues.”

Tim Matthews

Tim Matthews

Here you can find everything about significance of road safety, and staying alive for our families

Cynthia Jones

Cynthia Jones